'Reduce heat transfer by 45 percent': 'Best type' of radiator cover to cut heating costs | Express.co.uk

2022-10-22 18:53:56 By : Ms. Joy Xu

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Radiators are the most common method used to heat homes in winter, with around 10 or more found in the average property. While the position of these useful appliances plays a huge role in their energy efficiency, heating experts have suggested that covering them up with certain types of radiator covers can also be beneficial. Like most money-saving heating hacks, there is an upfront cost for fitting radiator covers, but exactly how much could you cut from your energy bills?

Covering your radiator may seem counterproductive to increase the temperature in your home without spending more money, but it has several benefits if you choose the right materials.

Speaking exclusively to Express.co.uk, a spokesperson at The Radiator Centre said: "Wood or MDF radiator covers are the worst for reducing energy efficiency,

"Firstly, they limit the amount of infrared heat (the same heat you would experience by standing in front of an open fire) by up to 30 percent.

"Secondly they also restrict the amount of cooler air that can be drawn across and out from a radiator so limiting its heat that way as well."

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However, choosing the right style can have a more positive impact on both your bank account and the temperature of your home.

Matthew Jenkins, a heating expert at MyJobQuote revealed that the right kind of coverings can actually trap up to 45 percent more heat.

He told Express.co.uk: "Well-designed, radiator covers with foil backing will increase energy efficiency.

"When a radiator cover is good quality, it will leave enough space for warm air to travel through. If the cover has a heat-reflecting foil backing, this can result in increased energy efficiency."

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Unlike fully-wooden styles, foil-backed radiator covers work to reflect heat rather than simply trapping it.

Matthew explained that heat reflectors help push the warm air into your living space, rather than allowing it to travel into the walls and up to the ceiling.

While there is scope to increase heat retention, the savings will vary depending on the size of your house, the number of radiators you have, and how often you use them.

According to Matthew, the thickness of the walls, the type of heating system, and your current insulation levels can also affect how much you can save after fitting radiator covers.

Martin Lewis has issued a vital warning to the public regarding their energy bills, asserting "there is no £2,500 cap" on their household costs. 

The financial journalist is referring to the Government’s £2,500 energy price guarantee which was announced earlier this month.

Read his urgent message HERE.

He said: "Good foil backing heat reflectors can reduce the amount of heat transfer through your walls by around 45 percent.

"As an example, an older home built before 1976 with cavity walls could save around £2.50 - £3.00 per radiator, per year."

With around 10 radiators in the average household, this could amount to between £25-£30 per year.

However, these savings are not immediate and you will first have to pay the upfront cost of adding the covers to your radiators.

According to the experts at Checkatrade, it’s usually cheapest to get off-the-shelf radiator covers fitted, especially if you want them installed across the whole house.

Their cost guide states: "It costs around £95 to install one or two off-the-shelf radiator covers, or £190 to install seven.

"Most carpenters will charge a half-day rate as a minimum, with an hourly rate of between £30 – £35 per hour, and a full day rate would cost between £240 to £280."

The cost of the covers alone can range from between £20-£100, so it would take several years to see your investment pay off.

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